O seminário internacional O Futuro do Desenvolvimento Brasileiro é organizado pelo Centro de Altos Estudos Brasil Século XXI, RedeSist e CGEE, e realizado de 2 a 4 de maio de 2016 no auditório Rômulo Almeida, BNDES, Rio de Janeiro.
Monday, 2 May 2016
10:00h/12:30h | Session 1 – Financialization, Global Crisis,Ramifications and Consequences Keynote Speech: Welcome SeminarFrançois Chesnais – video Speakers: William Lazonick (Un. Of Massachusets, EUA), Claude Serfati (IRES, França) |
13:30h/16:00h | Session 2 – The Global Crisis, Social and Environmental Sustainability Chair: Helena M. M. Lastres (BNDES) Speakers: Judith Sutz (Udelar, Uruguai), Jorge Nuñez (Un. de La Habana, Cuba), Marc Humbert (Un. de Rennes I, França) |
16:15h/18:30h | Mesa Redonda – The Global Crisis and the BRICS Speakers: KJ Joseph (CDS, Índia), Liu Xielin (CAS, China), Rasigan Maharajh (TUT, África do Sul), Alexander Sokolov (HSE, Rússia) |
18:30h/19:00h | Keynote Speech: The Future of Development and New Policy Requirements Luciano Coutinho (BNDES) – video |
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
10:00h/12:30h | Session 3 – The Future of the Brazilian Development: The Macroeconomic Dimension Speakers: Diogo Coutinho (USP), Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça (Unicamp), Antonio Corrêa de Lacerda (PUC-SP), Vanessa Petrelli Corrêa (UFU) |
13:30h/16:00h | Session 4 – The Future of the Brazilian Development: Production and Innovation Speakers: David Kupfer (UFRJ), Fernando Sarti (Unicamp)/Célio Hiratuka (Unicamp) |
16:15h/18:30h | Session 5 – The Future of the Brazilian Development: The Territory Speakers: Tânia Bacelar (UFPE), Sérgio Castro (PUC-GO), Francisco Costa (UFPA) |
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
10:00h/12:30h | Session 6 – University, Knowledge and the Territory Speakers: Raimunda Monteiro (UFOPA), Rodrigo Arocena (Udelar, Uruguai), Naomar M. de Almeida Filho (UFSB) |
13:30h/16:00h | Session 7 – LIPS and Development: experiences and perspectives (1) Chair: Gabriela Maretto (MDIC) Speakers: Valdênia Apolinário (UFRN), Ana Lúcia Tatsch (UFRGS)/Marisa Botelho (UFU), Paulo Cavalcanti (UFPB), Marcelo Matos (UFRJ) |
16:15h/18:15h | Session 8 – LIPS and Development: experiences and perspectives (2) Speakers: Cleonice Le Bourlegat (UCDB-MS), Jair Amaral (UFC), Marco Vargas (UFF) |